
Ashington Town Council Supports Local Scout Group with Grant

Ashington Town Council has recently shown its support for the community’s youth by awarding a grant to the 1st Hirst Scout Group.

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Ashington Town Council Supports Local Scout Group with Grant

Ashington Town Council Approves Community Grants

In a meeting of the Finance and General Services Committee held on Tuesday, 9th July, Ashington Town councillors approved a series of small grants to support local community groups and initiatives.

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Ashington Town Council Approves Community Grants

"Ashington Town Council Awards £66,000 in Annual Community Grants”

Ashington Town Council has announced the allocation of £66,000 in grants to local organisations as part of its annual funding initiative.

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Ashington Town Council Concludes Financial Year

As the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) of Ashington Town Council, I am pleased to announce the conclusion of our financial year and the approval of our end-of-year finances at last night’s council meeting.

Our council has diligently adhered to the Accounts and Audit Regulations, ensuring that our financial affairs are properly administered and aligned with legal standards. This commitment to good governance, accountability, and transparency is fundamental to our mission of providing efficient and effective public services to the Ashington community. Our Annual Governance and Accountability Return, for year ending March 2024 will be sent to the external auditor today.

We invite Ashington residents to exercise their right to inspect the Council’s accounts during the designated period Thursday 27th June 2024 and ending on Wednesday 7th August 2024.

The results of our External Audit, in the form of an Annual Return, will be made available on our website and upon request once completed, typically in September.

As always, we remain committed to financial responsibility and transparency. Residents are welcome to direct any questions about council spending to my office at any time.

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Ashington Town Council Concludes Financial Year

Ashington Town Council Opens Second Round of £500 Small Grants for 2024/25

As part of its approved budget for 2024/25, Ashington Town Council is delighted to announce invitations are being taken for the Small Grant Fund,

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Ashington Town Council Opens Second Round of £500 Small Grants for 2024/25

Ashington Town Council's Small Grant Fund Open for First Round of Applications

Ashington Town Council is thrilled to kick off the new financial year by opening the first round of its Small Grant Fund for 2024-2025.

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Ashington Town Council's Small Grant Fund Open for First Round of Applications

Ashington Town Council Annual Grant Aid Now Open For Applications

Ashington Town Council believes that supporting our local organisations creates a thriving, enriching environment for all. The Town Council aims to create a more inclusive and equitable community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. We welcome applications from organisations committed to advancing these shared values.

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Ashington Town Council Annual Grant Aid Now Open For Applications

Ashington Town Council Awards Community Group Funding

Ashington Town Council met on Tuesday 13th February and agreed to award funding to three local community groups for their work to better the town. A total of £1,500 was granted from the council’s small grant fund.

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Ashington Town Council Awards Community Group Funding

Ashington Town Council Sets Responsible Precept Demand for 2024/2025, Ensuring Financial Stability and Minimal Resident Impact

Ashington Town Council met last night to agree the budget for 2024/25 and the subsequent precept demand to Northumberland County Council.

The precept is the amount of money collected from the taxpayers of Ashington via their Council Tax.

Leader of Ashington Town Council, Cllr John Tully, presented a draft budget which is summarised in the accompanying charts. The Council agreed an operating budget of £946,888. Alongside this, a separate General Reserves and Contingency pot of £175k, and Ear-Marked Reserves towards the longer-term replacement of assets equalling £65k.

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Ashington Town Council Sets Responsible Precept Demand for 2024/2025, Ensuring Financial Stability and Minimal Resident Impact

Ashington Town Council Small Grant Fund Now Open For Applications

As part of its approved budget for 2023/24, Ashington Town Council is delighted to announce the availability of the Small Grant Fund, providing an opportunity for Community Groups and Organisations to secure grants of up to £500.

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Ashington Town Council Small Grant Fund Now Open For Applications

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