
Latest News
Moving Forward: Transforming Bus Travel in Ashington

Ashington Town Council is taking proactive steps to enhance local public transport infrastructure, demonstrating a collaborative approach with Northumberland County Council (NCC) to improve passenger experience and accessibility. On behalf of NCC, Ashington Town Council officers, Mark Air and Ryan Appleby, have successfully installed stand information at Ashington Bus Station, providing clear guidance for passengers.

Working closely with NCC’s bus ambassador, Bill Lynch, the council is developing a strategic approach to bus shelters across Ashington. NCC will provide user information, allowing a targeted strategy that prioritises the most frequently used bus stops, with a strong emphasis on creating accessible and comfortable waiting spaces for residents. In addition to shelter improvements, Ashington Town Council officers are committed to supporting the repair and upgrade of timetable cabinets. Leveraging their local knowledge, the council will work closely with NCC to review and upgrade timetable cabinets, ensuring these crucial information points meet the needs of local passengers.

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Grant Funding

Ashington Town Council aims to promote and protect the quality of life and well-being of those who live in, work in, or visit the local area. To this end, the Council offer grants to local organisations based in, or providing services to the locality, to help them maintain and develop their services, facilities, and activities. When allocating Grant Aid, the Council will consider each case on its merits and may give priority to those groups providing services and facilities and/or fulfilling a role where there are currently ‘gaps’ in provision.

The Council has a long history of funding sports clubs and local charities with annual subsidies, and of making funding available to provide smaller grants throughout the year.

Annual Grant Aid Funding

The Council has agreed an Annual Grant Aid Funding process and has set aside funds for this purpose in the financial year 2024/25.

The Council aims to strengthen links with funded groups throughout the year as a means of mutually sharing decisions, activities, and events, but also to ensure good governance. Recipients of significant grants will be expected to provide updates throughout the year, with particular emphasis on how funding has been spent, and the Council will pay funding quarterly.

The Council will to seek public recognition of awards by recipients and will publicise the awards made to demonstrate to use of public funds.

The Council has agreed funding criteria which applicants must ensure they meet before applying. Community groups and organisations that are missing any of the criteria required are encouraged to contact the Council to discuss this. We will support any group that requires an alternative communication in accordance with our work to promoting Equality and Diversity in Grant Aid Allocation, and the Public Sector Equality Duty 2022.

Funding Criteria that must be met

Grant Aid is for voluntary, non-profit making organisations who provide facilities, activities, and services principally for residents served by Ashington Town Council.

Typically, these organisations include sports, play and art clubs, community associations, youth organisations, organisations that assist disadvantaged/vulnerable groups and charitable trusts.

To be eligible to apply for funding from Ashington Town Council, you must be able to provide the following:

  • A constitution or governing document, or written aims and objectives.
  • Up-to-date financial information, including latest accounts and bank statement.
  • A set a basic core policies:
    • Health & Safety
    • Equality and Diversity
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection and GDPR
    • Risk Management
    • Complaints Procedure
    • Personnel, including volunteers and employees

For what can grants be used?

Annual Grant Aid Funding can be used for capital (e.g. purchasing tools and equipment) or revenue expenditure (e.g. running costs) and/or as ‘start-up’ funding for new bodies.

Organisations that will not be funded

  1. Individuals
  2. Business organisations whose aim is profit
  3. National charities (unless specific direct services are provided within the local area)
  4. Other organisations operating from outside Ashington (unless specific direct services are provided within the local area, or these organisations contribute to the wellbeing of the Town and its residents)

Small Grants throughout the year

Small Grants will be invited and awarded four times a year, as shown below (please note that dates may be changed prior to announcement). 

May 2024

Invited 1st April

Closes 3rd May

Decisions 14th May

July 2024

Invited 3rd June

Closes 28th June

Decisions 9th July

October 2024

Invited 2nd Sep

Closes 27th Sep

Decisions 8th Oct


February 2025

Invited 6th Jan

Closes 31st Jan

Decisions 11th Feb

Based on the budget agreed for 2024/25, Ashington Town Council has £10,000 available for this purpose. Community groups and organisations will be invited to apply for small grants of less than £500. You can only apply for a small grant of £500 once in the financial year.

Funding Criteria that must be met

Grant Aid is for voluntary, non-profit making organisations who provide facilities, activities, and services principally for residents served by Ashington Town Council.

Typically, these organisations include sports, play and art clubs, community associations, youth organisations, organisations that assist disadvantaged/vulnerable groups and charitable trusts.

To be eligible to apply for funding from Ashington Town Council, you must be able to provide the following:

  • A constitution or governing document, or written aims and objectives.
  • Up-to-date financial information, including latest accounts and bank statement.
  • A set a basic core policies (please contact the Council to discuss this)
  • In addition, if you are applying for a Small Grant from Ashington Town Council, you must be prepared to explain the purpose of any reserves held.

We want to support organisations who may not have all the documents required, so please contact Sharon Parmley if that is the case.

Organisations that will not be funded

  1. Individuals.
  2. Business organisations whose aim is profit.
  3. National charities (unless specific direct services are provided within the local area).
  4. Schools.
  5. Religious establishments.
  6. Other organisations operating from outside Ashington (unless specific direct services are provided within the local area, or these organisations contribute to the wellbeing of the Town and its residents)




Latest News
Moving Forward: Transforming Bus Travel in Ashington

Ashington Town Council is taking proactive steps to enhance local public transport infrastructure, demonstrating a collaborative approach with Northumberland County Council (NCC) to improve passenger experience and accessibility. On behalf of NCC, Ashington Town Council officers, Mark Air and Ryan Appleby, have successfully installed stand information at Ashington Bus Station, providing clear guidance for passengers.

Working closely with NCC’s bus ambassador, Bill Lynch, the council is developing a strategic approach to bus shelters across Ashington. NCC will provide user information, allowing a targeted strategy that prioritises the most frequently used bus stops, with a strong emphasis on creating accessible and comfortable waiting spaces for residents. In addition to shelter improvements, Ashington Town Council officers are committed to supporting the repair and upgrade of timetable cabinets. Leveraging their local knowledge, the council will work closely with NCC to review and upgrade timetable cabinets, ensuring these crucial information points meet the needs of local passengers.

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