Ashington Town Council Concludes Financial Year

Ashington Town Council Concludes Financial Year

As the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) of Ashington Town Council, I am pleased to announce the conclusion of our financial year and the approval of our end-of-year finances at last night's council meeting.

Our council has diligently adhered to the Accounts and Audit Regulations, ensuring that our financial affairs are properly administered and aligned with legal standards. This commitment to good governance, accountability, and transparency is fundamental to our mission of providing efficient and effective public services to the Ashington community. Our Annual Governance and Accountability Return, for year ending March 2024 will be sent to the external auditor today, and will include:

  • Bank Reconciliation: A statement showing all bank and building society account balances as of 31st March 2024.
  • Bank Statements: Copies of all bank statements dated 31st March 2024, to verify the figures in the bank reconciliation.
  • Variance Explanation: A detailed explanation with figures for any significant differences in income or expenditure between the 2023/24 and 2022/23 financial years.
  • A reconciliation between the closing balances in the Annual Return and Bank Reconciliation as accounts are prepared on an income and expenditure basis.
  • Contact Details: Confirmation of current contact information for the Clerk, RFO (if different), and Chair.
  • Public Rights Exercise: A signed form confirming the period chosen by the authority for the exercise of public rights.
  • Previous Recommendations: Details of actions taken in response to any recommendations made by the external auditor in 2022/23.
  • Internal Auditor Report: Our Internal Audit Report year-end report for 2023/24.
  • The minute considering the year-end Internal Audit Report 2023/24.
  • The minute showing the Council's review of financial regulations and standing orders during 2023/24 or a previous year if reviewed cyclically.
  • The minute evidencing the Council's appointment or re-appointment of internal audit for the 2023/24 year.

We invite Ashington residents to exercise their right to inspect the Council's accounts during the designated period Thursday 27th June 2024 and ending on Wednesday 7th August 2024. Click on the link that follows to open the Notice of Public Rights.

Notice of Public Rights

Information regarding these rights can be found on our website under "Local Authority Accounts: A summary of your rights".

You can also view documents on the Financial pages of our website. Clicking on the link below will take you directly to the Annual Governance and Accounatbility Return, year ending 2024.

Ashington Town Council - Annual Governance and Accountability Returns 2023/24

The results of our External Audit, in the form of an Annual Return, will be made available on our website and upon request once completed, typically in September.

As always, we remain committed to financial responsibility and transparency. Residents are welcome to direct any questions about council spending to my office at any time.

Sarah Eden – Executive Officer/RFO

Ashington Town Council

Town Hall, 65 Station Road

Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 8RX

Tel: (01670) 624521

Mobile: 07931538785


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