Climate Change

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Join Ashington Town Council for the Great British Spring Clean 2025

Ashington Town Council is proud to announce our participation in the 2025 Great British Spring Clean, a nationwide environmental campaign aimed at combating litter and preserving our shared spaces. As representatives of our community, we take the issue of littering throughout Ashington very seriously and are committed to creating a cleaner, safer, and more beautiful town for everyone.

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Climate Change Awareness Events

From International awareness events to local community events, find out where and when here.

From our website, you can visit other websites by following links to such external sites. While we strive to provide only quality links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these 3rd party websites.

The links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Site owners and content may change without notice and may occur before we have the opportunity to remove a link which may have gone 'bad'.  To report an issue with any of the links below contact 01670 624520 or email


The Great Big Green Week - 8th - 16th June 2024

The Great Big Green Week is the UK's biggest ever celebration of Community Action to tackle Climate Change and protect nature.

You can find out more information, including how to organise your own event on the Big Green Week Website here

Net Zero Week -  6th - 12th July 2024

Net zero is the world’s answer to stopping climate change. On the 27th June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end our contribution to climate change. The legislation committed the nations of the UK to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. Net zero means any remaining emissions would be offset by schemes to remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases. The EU and many other nations have now agreed to do the same, meaning net zero has been adopted as the best strategy to protect us and the natural world from rising global temperatures.

Find out about Net Zero here

Clean Air Day - Thursday 13th June 2024

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK.  The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today. Poor air quality causes heart and lung diseases, is linked to low birth weight and children’s lung development and may even contribute to mental health issues. 

Clean Air Day is the UK's largest air pollution campaign, engaging thousands of people at hundreds of events, and reaching millions more through the media.

Visit the Clean Air Campaign here

World Environment Day - Wednesday 5th June 2023

World Environment Day urges all of us to protect our natural surroundings. The stunning facts? An estimated 7 million people die each year from causes related to air pollution, with a majority occurring in the Asia-Pacific region. This day, which falls on June 5, encourages worldwide activism. That means everything from littering to climate change. World Environment Day is both a global celebration and a platform for public outreach.

China, which now owns half the world’s electric vehicles and 99 percent of the world’s electric buses, hosted the 2019 event. “The country has demonstrated tremendous leadership in tackling air pollution domestically,” said Acting Head of UN Environment Joyce Msuya. “It can now help spur the world to greater action.” The UN first established World Environment Day in 1972.

Visit World Environment Day website here


Walk to School Week - 20th May to 25th May 2024

Walk to School Week, marked on May 20 to 25, is a holiday celebrated every year in the U.K. It is an annual walking challenge that aims to encourage more children to walk as a form of exercise. Walking to school allows more children to reach their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day — this is even before the day is started! It educates people about the importance of regular exercise, and they get a better understanding of the numerous health benefits of exercise. Walk to School Week has been adopted by thousands of students in the U.K.

WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK UK - May 20-25, 2023 - National Today

Earth Hour 2024 - Saturday 23rd March at 8:30pm

Started by WWF and partners as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment. Held every year on the last Saturday of March, Earth Hour engages millions of people in more than 190 countries and territories, switching off their lights to show support for our planet. 

But Earth Hour goes far beyond the symbolic action of switching off - it has become a catalyst for positive environmental impact, driving major legislative changes by harnessing the power of the people and collective action.

Earth Hour is open-source and we welcome everyone, anyone, to take part and help amplify our mission to unite people to protect our planet.

Visit Earth Hour website here

Great British Spring Clean Campaign 2024 - 15th March to 31st March

The Great British Spring Clean returns! Last year, our incredible #LitterHeroes pledged to pick more than 400,000 bags of litter throughout the campaign period. 

Thank you to every single one of our #LitterHeroes for taking care of the environment on our doorstep!

Visit the Keep Britain Tidy website here




Latest News
Join Ashington Town Council for the Great British Spring Clean 2025

Ashington Town Council is proud to announce our participation in the 2025 Great British Spring Clean, a nationwide environmental campaign aimed at combating litter and preserving our shared spaces. As representatives of our community, we take the issue of littering throughout Ashington very seriously and are committed to creating a cleaner, safer, and more beautiful town for everyone.

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