
Latest News

Ashington Town Council has announced the allocation of £66,000 in grants to local organisations as part of its annual funding initiative.

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Town Services

The best local councils will always want to continually seek to improve the quality of life and the environment for local people.

Ashington Town Council has set itself this goal and will always seek to provide a variety of valued services efficiently, promptly and cost effectively. Local councils have the legal powers to provide many services ranging from community centres to local festivals and from allotment provision to public conveniences.

Ashington Town Council has the statutory duty to provide allotments which it meets through a range of agreements with Allotment Associations within the town.

Services that have recently been transferred to Ashington Town Council from Northumberland County Council include:

  • Bus Shelters
  • Play Areas
  • Public Seating
  • Ashington War Memorial
  • Provision of Litter Bins

Ashington Town Council has also set aside funding to improve the Christmas lighting in the town centre year on year as well as offering grants and funding to local organisations working in the town.  

The Town Council provides a Citizens' Awards Scheme and Annual Garden Competition as well as taking the lead in organising the town's Annual Fayre Day.  Additionally, the Town Council has organised a mix of music and arts performances which has seen notable performers visiting the town and this will be built upon in coming years.

Local councils can also provide services either directly or in partnership with other bodies.  Ashington Town Council is working closely with Northumberland County Council to improve service provision within the town which is bringing much needed change.

Ashington Town Council is always keen to know what you think of services in the town and which services residents would like to see improved.  As the Town Council develops plans for the future we will be consulting with residents via this website, noticeboards, newsletters, direct surveys, public meetings and other contact.

Please feel free to Contact Us.


Latest News

Ashington Town Council has announced the allocation of £66,000 in grants to local organisations as part of its annual funding initiative.

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