Events & News - Civic Head

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Civic Head Attends Veterans and Elders Institute's Volunteer Celebration - 5th January 2024

It was a pleasure for the Civic Head to attend Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute’s recent volunteer celebration night.

Volunteers and Funders enjoyed the celebration of the Veterans and Elders Institute’s impactful community service events and initiatives.  The Institute’s...

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Civic Head attends Mortal Fools Performance 'Through The Wardrobe' - 12th December 2023

The Civic Head, Councillor Victor Bridges recently attended a performance by Mortals Fools youth theatre, Through The Wardrobe. The Fools Fest included two evenings showcasing our Ashington, Tyne Valley, Highfield Middle School & online youth theatre groups creative work. 


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Empowering Wellbeing Through Art: Civic Head Presents £500 Cheque to Blossoming Communities - 6th December 2023

As part of Ashington Town Council’s small grant scheme, the Civic Head, Cllr Victor Bridges presented a cheque of £500 to Blossoming Communities today. This substantial contribution aims to cover the costs of arts and crafts materials for the weekly wellbeing workshops held at Hirst...

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Ashington Commemorates Armed...

Ashington marked Armed Forces Day 2024 with a heartfelt tribute,...

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Ashington Commemorates Armed Forces Day 2024

Reviving Traditions:...

This past Saturday, the heart of Northumberland beat with pride and joy...

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Reviving Traditions: Northumberland Miners' Picnic 2024 Shines Bright

New Civic Head and Deputy for...

At the Ashington Town Council annual meeting last night, Tuesday 28th...

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New Civic Head and Deputy for Ashington Town Council

Northumberland Miners' Picnic...

Mark your calendars! The highly anticipated Northumberland Miners’...

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Northumberland Miners' Picnic Returns with Nostalgic Flair on 8th June

Civic Head Attends Ashington Male...

The Ashington Male Voice Choir held their annual concert this past...

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Civic Head Attends Ashington Male Voice Choir Concert


As St George’s day has come and gone, and the St George’s day parade...

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Royal Regiment of Fusiliers to...

5 FUSILIERS will celebrate St George’s Day 2024 whilst also exercising...

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Royal Regiment of Fusiliers to march through Ashington for St George’s Day Parade

Ashington's Civic Head Witnesses...

What a historic and emotional day it was as I witnessed the Royal Navy...

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Ashington's Civic Head Witnesses Homecoming of HMS Blyth's Historic Bell

Ashington Civic Head Travels on...

A special train journey, along the new Northumberland passenger rail...

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Ashington Civic Head Travels on the Northumberland Rail Line

Civic Head Attends Veterans and...

The Civic Head, Cllr Victor Bridges was delighted to be invited to the...

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Civic Head Attends Veterans and Elders Institute's Volunteer Celebration

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