Ashington Commemorates Armed Forces Day 2024

Ashington Commemorates Armed Forces Day 2024

Ashington marked Armed Forces Day 2024 with a heartfelt tribute, honouring the brave men and women who serve in the British Armed Forces.

The day served as a poignant reminder of the dedication and sacrifices made by personnel in the British Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force, as well as veterans and their families. Ashington's community came together to express gratitude for their unwavering commitment to national security.

In a moving gesture of respect, the Union Jack was raised in Ashington's Memorial Garden, symbolising the town's support for our military forces.

Civic Head of Ashington, Councillor Caroline Ball, represented the town at a special service organised by the Royal British Legion Ashington Branch. The service paid tribute to fallen service members and expressed appreciation for all those who continue to serve.

The event highlighted the profound impact of our Armed Forces on the community. Their courage and dedication were celebrated as a source of inspiration for all residents of Ashington.

As the day drew to a close, the prevailing sentiment was one of deep gratitude. Ashington stood united in its appreciation for the selfless service of our Armed Forces, both past and present.

This Armed Forces Day served not only as a celebration but also as a reaffirmation of Ashington's enduring support for those who protect our nation.





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