Unite for Men's Health this Movember

Unite for Men's Health this Movember

Movember is our time to unite. To take on mental health, suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. And you coming along for the ride only makes us stronger.

Mark from Northumberland County Council Public Health Wellbeing Services has sent out the following information for men;


Men will die on average 4.5 years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable. Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: we can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives. 

Stay Connected 

Life can throw us curveballs. Yet even when things seem tough, there’s a lot we can do to look after ourselves and others. That’s why we provide reliable, expert information to help men cope and live happier, healthier, longer lives –no matter what life throws at us. 

There are various groups in Northumberland specifically for Men to talk and connect with one another 

Andys Man Club - Find your nearest group | Andy's Man Club (andysmanclub.co.uk) 

A peer-to-peer support group for all men over the age of 18. We meet every Monday night at 7:00pm apart from Bank Holidays. 

If you are currently going through a Storm or been through one come along and get things off your chest.... You never know your story could inspire or you too could be inspired. 

Never suffer in silence. 

Blyth Mans Shed - Blyth Man Shed – Create, Build & Socialise 

Created by the people of Blyth, for the people of Blyth. Blyth Men’s Shed (BMS) is a community workshop for everyone (not just men), giving individuals sanctuary and escape from the isolation & loneliness which often leads to poor mental health & well-being. Depression and failing mental health are a growing concern within society today and it is widely recognised that this is disproportionately the case across the male population, who sadly don’t talk, rather choosing the ‘bottle it up’ approach. 

Whats the Craic - What's The Craic? - Northumberland Recovery College 

Men’s talking group. Stress, loneliness, depression, money worries and illness are far too common in society and talking to people about what’s going on in your life helps a lot. 

If you would like to find out more about Movember and how to get involved visit the website here; Movember - Changing the face of men's health - Movember



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