
A Big Thank You to Ashington Community Litter Pickers

Ashington Community Litter Pickers were out in force on Saturday 18th March, along with Cllr Pauline Thompson, Cllr Louis Brown and Cllr Caroline Ball.

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A Big Thank You to Ashington Community Litter Pickers

North Pole Challenge Success

Back in December the members of Cambois Rowing Club embarked on an epic journey. 

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North Pole Challenge Success

World Of Work Day Proves Huge Success For Secondary Pupils

On Wednesday 8th March over 30 different employers descended on Duke’s Secondary School for its annual World of Work Day.

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World Of Work Day Proves Huge Success For Secondary Pupils

The Great British Spring Clean Campaign is back in Ashington

Ashington Town Council are seeking volunteers, to take part in this years Great British Spring Clean 2023 Campaign.

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The Great British Spring Clean Campaign is back in Ashington

What's On this February Half Term in Ashington and Northumberland

School Holiday activities for this February Half Term.

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What's On this February Half Term in Ashington and Northumberland

Cancelled due to high winds Revitalising our Estuaries

Due to the strong winds from Storm Otto we won’t be out planting in Wansbeck Riverside Park today

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Cancelled due to high winds Revitalising our Estuaries

A heartfelt commitment to life saving equipment in Ashington

On the same night that many were sharing candlelit dinners, exchanging cards and gifts, and celebrating ‘love’, Ashington Town Council was showing their love for the town, with a heartfelt commitment to life saving equipment.

Back in July, the Council agreed that installing more defibrillators in the town was a project close to its heart. This sentiment was echoed by the town’s County Councillors who did not miss a beat in agreeing to fund the purchase of two each; a total of twelve additional defibrillators for the town.

Seven out of ten people who suffer a cardiac arrest could survive if they received defibrillation and CPR within five minutes. To tackle this ticking clock Cllrs Caroline Ball, Brian Gallacher, Lynne Grimshaw, Jim Lang, Ken Parry and Mark Purvis worked with the Town Council to identify sites that would serve the community well in terms of coverage of this life-saving equipment.

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A heartfelt commitment to life saving equipment in Ashington

Wansbeck Community Engagement Day

Wansbeck Community Links Team are to hold a Wansbeck Community Engagement Day on Tuesday 21st March 2023.  

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Wansbeck Community Engagement Day

Northumberland Line Update

Welcome to the January 2023 edition of the Northumberland Line newsletter.

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Northumberland Line Update

Revitalising our Estuaries Volunteering at Wansbeck Riverside Park

Join the Northern Estuary Rangers at Wansbeck Riverside Park for some tree and wildfllower planting this February.

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Revitalising our Estuaries Volunteering at Wansbeck Riverside Park

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