Great British Spring Clean Ashington 2022

Great British Spring Clean Ashington 2022

The Great British Spring Clean Campaign for 2022 has been another huge success for the town.

Back for its seventh year, the 2022 Great British Spring Clean takes place 25 March – 10 April. This year the message is simple. Join the #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter as you can during the campaign.

The campaign encourages volunteers, community groups and businesses to help improve the environment through targeting litter and particularly plastic waste.

As in previous years Ashington Town Council organised a number of litter picks across the town, in partnership with Northumberland County Council, to support the 2022 campaign as follows;

Peoples Park, Tuesday 29 March, a big thank you to all of the volunteers who turned out on Tuesday morning and collected 15 bags of rubbish, from around Peoples Park.  Many of the volunteers for the day came from Brightside Adult Services based at Wansbeck Business Park.

Wansbeck Riverside, 30 March, another big thank you to staff from North Seaton Coop, Jackie Proudlock, Michelle Cooper and Rachelle Pyle as well as Elaine from the Ashington Litter Pickers Group.  Another 14 bags of litter picked on the day.

Paddock Wood, 31 March, a massive thank you to the newly formed North Seaton Residents Group and Cllr Jim Lang, George, Elaine and Ruth, a huge amount of rubbish collected from around the wood.  A total of 25 bags, as well as half a bed frame and a fire extinguisher!

QEII Country Park, 1 April, thanks again to the North Seaton Coop staff, Jackie Proudlock, Angi Hedley, Mel Benson, Rachelle Pyle, Scott Johnstone and carol Johnstone and all the other volunteers on the day.  A fantastic job done collecting litter from around the lake.  Another 24 bags colleted in total.

Hirst Park & Surrounding Area, 2 April, thank you to all the volunteers and Councillors Louis and Vicky Brown for a job well done.  A total of 16 bags collected on the day.

Over 40 volunteers supported this years campaign in Ashington, arranged in partnership with Ashngton Town Council and Northumberland County Council.  



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