
Waste Carrying and Fly Tipping - Know the Risks

In Ashington we have a serious issue with waste disposal and fly tipping, with over 40 fly-tips being removed by Rapid Response each week, 72,840kg collected from the streets from April to end of October. This is a reactive response to illegal fly-tipping, not a service. It is delivered by Northumberland County Council and paid for by Ashington Town Council, via your precept.

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Waste Carrying and Fly Tipping - Know the Risks

Improvements Made to Laburnum Terrace Community Area

The seating area at Laburnum Terrace has undergone recent enhancement works to upgrade the amenities and appearance of this public space frequently used by Ashington residents.

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Improvements Made to Laburnum Terrace Community Area

Thousands of Bulbs Planted Around Ashington to Brighten Community in Spring

Ashington will be aglow with colour next spring thanks to the planting of thousands of bulbs around town. 

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Thousands of Bulbs Planted Around Ashington to Brighten Community in Spring

Over 9,000 Go Secondhand for a Sustainable September

Wow, what an incredible month! Oxfam have been looking back on all that was accomplished together during Second Hand September, and it’s truly inspiring.

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Over 9,000 Go Secondhand for a Sustainable September

Good News for Food Waste Collections in Northumberland?

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) has announced that it has secured part of a £295 million fund to support local authorities in implementing separate food waste collections. This could mean funding is on the way for Northumberland County Council.

Defra states that the £295 million will be allocated to cover the costs of transitioning to food waste collections, including capital expenses like bins and vehicles, resource costs to set up new services, and ongoing operating costs. Some of this funding has already been secured, with further amounts to be bid for in future spending rounds.

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Good News for Food Waste Collections in Northumberland?

Empowering Change: Celebrating Carbon Literacy Training Triumphs Towards a Sustainable Future

Last night, Tuesday 19th September, prior to the Climate Change and Environment Committee Meeting, Ashington Town Council invited along Anne-Marie Soulsby of The Sustainable Life Coach to present Carbon Literacy Training certificates.

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Empowering Change: Celebrating Carbon Literacy Training Triumphs Towards a Sustainable Future

Second Hand September 2023

I am just over halfway through Second Hand September and just received my free post cards from Oxfam

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Second Hand September 2023

Second Hand September 2023

If you would like to take part in Second Hand September follow the link below. The Oxfam campaign starts today, so why not give it a go!

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Second Hand September 2023

Ashington's Great Big Green Week Event

Ashington Town Council is taking part in The Great Big Green Week. We have invited other organisations to join us and we would love to hear how you, or a group you are part are getting involved.

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Ashington's Great Big Green Week Event

The Great Big Green Week Ashington Event

Ashington Town Council is taking part in The Great Big Green Week.

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The Great Big Green Week Ashington Event

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