Democracy & Elections


Storm Arwen Review

Northumberland County Council Review of Storm Arwen

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Storm Arwen Review

Finance and General Services Committee Meeting

The next meeting of Ashington Town Council is the Finance and General Services Committee, being held on Tuesday 18th January 2022, commencing at 6:00pm, via zoom.

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Finance and General Services Committee Meeting

Funding Opportunity - Northumberland County Council Community Chest

Do not miss out on the opportunity to apply for funding to Northumberland County Council’s Community Chest Scheme.

Community groups, charities and social enterprises are eligible to apply, including school PTAs and community sports clubs.

The next deadline is Friday 14th January. 

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Funding Opportunity - Northumberland County Council Community Chest

Christmas Office Opening

The Town Council office will be closed from 1:30pm on Friday 24th December 2021 and will re-open at 9:00am on Tuesday 4th January 2022.

During this time any urgent queries will be picked up remotely via answerphone and email, using the normal contact us facility.

Reports can also be made via the Northumberland County Council Customer Service Centre by calling 0345 600 6400 or via the Northumberland County Council website.

Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas and a positive start to the New Year.

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Christmas Office Opening

Christmas Message

On behalf of Ashington Town Council, Chair, Cllr Mark Purvis would like to take the opportunity to wish the wonderful folk of Ashington a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Like 2020, 2021 has brought with it many challenges. Residents, businesses, and organisations are doing everything they can to overcome the issues faced by COVID-19, and more recently storm Arwen, as we strive to come out stronger.

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Christmas Message

Balloon and Sky Lantern Releases

Ashington Town Council escalated their environmental campaign at a recent Finance and General Services committee meeting, with agreement to take a firm stance and publicly oppose the use of balloons and sky lanterns. This came following discussion at the Council’s recently formed Climate Change Working Group.

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Balloon and Sky Lantern Releases



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Ashington Town Council Welcomes New Town Clerk

Ashington Town Council welcomes our new Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Sarah Eden.

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Ashington Town Council Welcomes New Town Clerk

Ashington Pupils Hop Skip & Jump Back To Normality

A project to improve the outdoor play areas at a primary school in Ashington has had an unprecedented impact on the mental health and wellbeing of its pupils.

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Ashington Pupils Hop Skip & Jump Back To Normality

A Clean Green Ashington

Ashington Town Council are committed to making Ashington an even better place to live, work and visit.

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A Clean Green Ashington

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