
Civic Head

The role of the Civic Head



Support for families this Easter

Help is on hand for eligible families to make sure children and young people have access to healthy food, fun activities and stay warm over the Easter break. 

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Support for families this Easter

Bin the Wipe Campaign

Ashington Town Council are supporting @Northumbrian Water’s Bin the Wipe campaign to raise awareness of the devastating consequences that can happen when wet wipes are wrongly flushed down the toilet.

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Bin the Wipe Campaign

Couple Celebrate Their Platinum Wedding Anniversary

Mr Robert & Mrs Margaret Auld celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary (Platinum) on Tuesday 22nd March.

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Couple Celebrate Their Platinum Wedding Anniversary

Great British Spring Clean Ashington 2022

Back for its seventh year, the 2022 Great British Spring Clean takes place 25 March – 10 April. This year the message is simple. Join the #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter as you can during the campaign.

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Great British Spring Clean Ashington 2022

Curves clubs organise Food Drive to help local community

From 14th March to 25th April Curves Clubs will be running a Food Drive to help the local community in times of difficulty. This is an initiative that seeks to motivate new and existing members and to give a helping hand to those most in need, while improving health and fitness.

As well as donating the goods to our chosen charities, at the end of April Curves will be cooking a hot meal for the homeless close to each club location. Anyone willing to participate, regardless of their interest in becoming new members, are welcomed to join the cause and turn individual actions into a great common goal.

For more information about the FoodDrive, contact your local Curves club via Facebook or Instagram. You can also visit the Curves Club in Ashington at their address:

Unit 12, Merchant Court, North Seaton Industrial Estate, NE63 0YH 

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Curves clubs organise Food Drive to help local community

Northumberland Local Plan 2016-2036 - Adoption Statement

Northumberland County Council formally adopted the Northumberland Local Plan 2016 to 2036 on 31 March 2022. This is in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 

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Northumberland Local Plan 2016-2036 -  Adoption Statement

Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding are invited

Ashington Town Council aims to promote and protect the quality of life and well-being of those who live in, work in, or visit the local area. To this end, the Council offer grants to local organisations based in, or providing services to the locality, to help them maintain and develop their services, facilities, and activities.

The Council has a long history of funding sports clubs and local charities with annual subsidies, and of making funding available to provide smaller grants throughout the year.

The Annual Grant Aid Funding process is open, and the Council has set aside a total pot of £59,000 for this purpose in the financial year 2022/23.

Grant Aid is for voluntary, non-profit making organisations who provide facilities, activities, and services principally for residents served by Ashington Town Council.

Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding must be received by Friday 13th May 2022.

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Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding are invited

Fairtrade award success for local primary school

A primary school in South East Northumberland has taken its first steps towards becoming a certified ‘Eco School’ after receiving the FairAware Award from the Fairtrade Foundation.

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Fairtrade award success for local primary school

Trinity Church Spring Coffee Morning

Saturday 9th April, 10.00am - 11.30am, in support of church funds.

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Trinity Church Spring Coffee Morning

FULL COUNCIL MEETING - Tuesday 29th March, commencing at 7:00pm

The next meeting of the Council is being held on Tuesday 29th March, commencing at 7:00pm at North Seaton Community Centre, Manley View, NE63 9TF.

Prior to the meeting Northumbria Police will hold a Police and Communities Together (PACT) Meeting, commencing at 6:00pm.

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FULL COUNCIL MEETING - Tuesday 29th March, commencing at 7:00pm

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