Local Nature Recovery Strategies in North of Tyne: Engagement and Consultation

Local Nature Recovery Strategies in North of Tyne: Engagement and Consultation


The UK Government has made a commitment to reverse habitat and species decline across England. As part of this initiative, the Environment Act 2021 requires the development of Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) in every area. These strategies will outline priorities and actions for nature recovery, including a habitat map and a biodiversity statement.

North of Tyne LNRS

Northumberland County Council is spearheading the development of the North of Tyne LNRS. This strategy covers Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne, and North Tyneside. Northumberland County Council is working in collaboration with:

  • Newcastle City Council
  • North Tyneside Council
  • Northumberland National Park Authority
  • Natural England

Engagement and Consultation

While ecological experts are leading the LNRS development, input from farmers, landowners, and the wider community is crucial. The North of Tyne area has been divided into seven zones for discussions with land managers.

Key Engagement Activities

  1. Farmer and Landowner Survey: Open until early October, this survey allows farmers and landowners to share their views on nature recovery. The survey can be accessed through the Northumberland County Council website.
  2. Focused Meetings:
    • Newcastle, North Tyneside, SE Northumberland: Workshops in September and October will focus on planning, development, and biodiversity net gain.
    • North Northumberland Coast & Druridge Bay: Evening meetings in partnership with the Northumberland Wildlife Trust to discuss the Nature Recovery Plan.
  3. Additional Events: The team will attend existing local events, including the Autumn Town and Parish Council Conference "market stalls" on 3rd October.

Call to Action

We encourage all stakeholders, particularly farmers and land managers, to participate in the survey or contribute their ideas through one of the upcoming events. Alternatively, you can share your thoughts via email or by contacting the provided mobile number.

Next Steps

  • A draft LNRS will be released for consultation in Spring 2025
  • The final version is expected by Summer 2025

Your support in promoting engagement with this important initiative is greatly appreciated.

For more information, to access the survey, or to get involved, please visit: https://www.northumberland.gov.uk/Economy-Regeneration/Programmes/Rural-Growth-and-Innovation/Local-Nature-Recovery-Strategy.aspx

A direct link to the survey: Your chance to speak out on farming and wildlife in our region Survey (surveymonkey.com)

Alternatively, you can contact: lnrs@northumberland.gov.uk


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