New Secure Gates Installed at Nursery Park Allotment Site

New Secure Gates Installed at Nursery Park Allotment Site

Ashington Town Council is pleased to announce the installation of new secure gates at Nursery Park Allotment site. This improvement, brought forward by the Council's new allotment officer, Alan Bunker, addresses longstanding concerns raised by allotment holders and enhances the security and management of the site.

The new installation includes both vehicle and pedestrian entrances with lockable gates, resolving parking issues that have frustrated the site.

Despite budget constraints, the Council prioritised this project to fulfil its duty of maintaining and securing allotment gardens. Haydon County Cllr Brian Gallacher, and Haydon Ward Town Cllrs, Marjorie Chambers, Graeme Wright and John Tully collaborated to share costs, demonstrating a commendable example of cooperation for community benefit.

(left to right) Haydon Ward Cllrs, John Tully, Marjorie Chamber and Graeme Wright.

The project showcases how officers will always work to find solutions to issues, even when funds are very tight, and the positive response from Cllrs was warmly welcomed.

"The proactive approach of our new allotment officer, Alan Bunker, combined with the support of County and Ward councillors, has resulted in a significant improvement for allotment holders at Nursery Park," said Executive Officer of Ashington Town Council, Sarah Eden.

The new gates will ensure that Nursery Park Allotment site remains a well-maintained and secure space for the community. The Council thanks all involved parties for their support in improving this valuable community asset.

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