Keeping Ashington's Play Areas Ship-Shape: Council's Summer Maintenance Drive

Keeping Ashington's Play Areas Ship-Shape: Council's Summer Maintenance Drive

Ashington Town Council is carrying out essential housekeeping and maintenance work on local play areas, aligning with our priority of 'improving the environment and providing a safe and pleasant place to live'. These activities are being carried out in preparation for the busy school holiday period.

Our dedicated Neighbourhood Services Officers, Mark Air and Ryan Appleby, have been diligently performing necessary upkeep at several play areas, including Peoples Park and North Seaton Colliery. Their efforts demonstrate our workforce's commitment to maintaining our community spaces. We're also working collaboratively with teams from Northumberland County Council Neighbourhood Services, who have provided valuable assistance with some of the maintenance tasks.

While we've faced challenges with anti-social behaviour in some play areas, we remain focused on keeping these vital community spaces in good condition. We encourage residents to report any witnessed incidents to the Police to help us preserve these areas for everyone's enjoyment.

In the coming week, additional play areas across Ashington will receive similar attention, ensuring they're all well-maintained for children to enjoy during the summer holidays. This routine TLC includes tasks such as equipment checks, cleaning, and minor repairs where necessary.

We kindly request patience from the community as we carry out this essential maintenance. Any temporary inconveniences will result in well-kept play spaces for our young people, and families.

For more information on the play areas under the Town Council's responsibility, please click on the link below:

Town Council Services/Play Areas

Ashington Town Council remains committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all our residents, particularly our younger generation. We look forward to seeing families make use of these well-maintained facilities throughout the summer and beyond.

play area

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