Community Buzz: Ashington Town Council on Koast Radio

Community Buzz: Ashington Town Council on Koast Radio

It was a fantastic morning at Koast Radio today! I had the pleasure of joining Jeff on the morning show to share some exciting news about upcoming community events organised by Ashington Town Council (ATC). We also discussed where residents can find the 2023 Annual Report for the council, with hard copies expected to be available soon.

The highlight of the morning was the presence of Maddie, a student from Buzz Learning, who came along with her tutor Julian. Maddie had the incredible opportunity to experience live radio first-hand. Jeff, our gracious host, took her under his wing and provided a mini-lesson on using the radio equipment. He even showed her how to select songs and conduct soundchecks - a dream come true for any aspiring radio enthusiast!

Now, let's talk about the fantastic events ATC has lined up for our community:

Northumberland Miners Picnic: Mark your calendars for Saturday, 8th June 2024. For the full programme, visit Ashington Town Council Meetings List.

The Great Big Green Week: As part of this national campaign, ATC will host 5 market stalls on Tuesday, 11th June. Find all the details on the ATC events page.

Ashington Community Fair Day: Plans are shaping up nicely for this fair on Sunday, 7th July. Stay tuned for more details on the ATC website.

Hirst Welfare Family Fun Day and Walking Football Festival: Join us on Saturday, 3rd August 2024, at Ashington Hirst Welfare from 10am to 2pm.

Allotment Week: From Monday, 10th June to Friday, 14th June 2024, we're gearing up for our second allotment action week. After the success of the first one, we're thrilled to dive back in! With allotment season in full swing, we have lots of maintenance, repairs, and tidy-ups planned, starting bright and early each day.

Lastly, don't forget to check out Ashington Town Council's Annual Report 2023. It's now available on the ATC website, and hard copies will be distributed soon.

A big thank you to Jeff and the team at Koast Radio for having us, and to Maddie and Julian for joining in the fun. Keep tuned in to Koast Radio and the ATC website for more community updates!




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