Ashington Town Council Welcomes Newly Co-opted Councillor Gemma Hemsley

Ashington Town Council Welcomes Newly Co-opted Councillor Gemma Hemsley

Ashington Town Council is pleased to announce that Gemma Hemsley has been successfully co-opted as a new Town Councillor for the College Ward. Cllr Hemsley signed her official declaration of acceptance of office this afternoon.

In her statement read by Chair, Cllr Mark Purvis, Gemma said,

"It would be an absolute honour to work alongside Mark, Liam, and the residents to help represent the College Ward in Ashington. I promise and commit to being pro-active, visible, available, and accessible to those I am accountable to, and I will be highly effective within my role. I have a passion for intergenerational links and bringing the elderly and younger generation together. I am happy to work alongside local people and partners, such as community groups and businesses to deliver on local priorities. Due to my good leadership skills and naturally compassionate nature, I have the ability to join you in leading the development of strategies and future plans for the Ashington area. I am extremely resilient, humble, likeable, approachable and have a great listening ear which I think the people in our local community would respect."

Cllr Hemsley brings years of experience in the adult social care sector, having previously run her own care company. Her dedication to volunteering and community engagement will be a valuable asset to the Town Council.

Cllr Hemsley is keen to start with grant funding applications being considered next week, and her first formal meeting on 11th June.

The draft minutes of the Annual Meeting will be available from 17th June and will include the statements from each of the candidates who put themselves forward for co-option.

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