Ashington Town Council Celebrates as Developer Withdraws Wansbeck Road Housing Application

Ashington Town Council Celebrates as Developer Withdraws Wansbeck Road Housing Application

Over a year after Ashington Town Council unanimously objected to a proposed 186-unit housing development on land west of Wansbeck Road, the developer Banks Group has officially withdrawn their outline planning application.

The decision comes after Northumberland County Council, the local planning authority, indicated that they would recommend refusal.

A spokesperson for Northumberland County Council said,

“This application was due to be heard at the Strategic Planning Committee on 5th March 2024. It was recommended for REFUSAL, with 9 reasons cited.  The Applicant has decided to withdraw the application prior to its formal determination. The application has now been taken off the agenda. Please note that to withdraw an application at this stage is within the rights of the applicant. Any revised or submitted proposal would require a new application.”   

In February 2023, Ashington Town Council held an extraordinary meeting where over 130 residents attended. The proposed development was met with strong opposition from the Town Council and local residents when it was submitted in early 2023. At the extraordinary council meeting in February 2023, Councillors unanimously agreed to formally object to the plans, backing up the concerns voiced by over 130 members of the public in attendance.

Key issues raised included the proposal being outside of the town's housing needs identified in the recently adopted Northumberland Local Plan, road safety worries with the increase in traffic, and the loss of natural habitats and green spaces.

Cllr Mark Purvis, Chair of Ashington Town Council, welcomed the news,

"We are very pleased that the developer has finally listened to the overwhelming opposition from local residents and withdrawn this ill-conceived application. From the start, the Town Council made it clear that we would robustly object.”

Cllr Lynne Grimshaw, who represents the Bothal ward where the site is located, said,

"I'm delighted that common sense has prevailed. The community came together and spoke with one voice against building on this greenfield site outside of the Local Plan. We have existing brownfield sites allocated for housing that should be developed first before touching our precious green spaces."

With the application now withdrawn, Ashington Town Council will continue to scrutinise and respond to any future development proposals to ensure they align with the Local Plan and have genuine community support.

You can read the press release from February 2023 by clicking on the link below.

Ashington Town Council

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