A project to improve Paddock Wood is now underway.

A cut back of undergrowth, clearance of fly tipping and litter pick of the woodland, in North Seaton, took place earlier this week.  The litter pick was carried out by members of the Ashington Community Litter Project, supported by Ashington Town Council and Northumberland County Council staff.  Further improvements are planned in coming weeks including works to the play area and a wildflower planting scheme.

A further community litter pick is also planned for the woodland, in March, as part of Ashington’s Keep Britain Tidy, Great British Spring Clean campaign – details below. 

In the photographs are the volunteers from the Ashington Community Litter Project (John Ramshaw, George Dobson, Scott Wilson, Elaine Tibbit, Tommy Johnson and Joanne Stobbart), Councillors Glyn Davies and Jim Lang and Town and County Council staff.

Cllr. Lang said ‘We appreciate the great work and thank all the volunteers from the Community Litter Project as they work to improve the woodland and wider town.  We would also encourage all residents not to fly tip in the woodland as well as use the litter bins provided to keep the area clean and tidy.  We know litter and fly tipping annoys many residents and it is also harmful to the environment and wildlife. Further improvement works are taking place in coming weeks which we are sure will be appreciated by users of this green space’.

For more information on the Ashington Community Litter Project find them on Facebookk at Ashington Community Litter Project

For more information on Ashington’s Great British Spring Clean effort visit Ashington Town Council

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