Ashington Town Council Accredited as a Living Wage Employer

Ashington Town Council Accredited as a Living Wage Employer

Ashington Town Council is proud to announce that it has been accredited by the Living Wage Foundation as a Living Wage Employer. We implemented this policy prior to Christmas, and as of today we can publicly share our accreditation. This means that the Town Council has committed to pay all its staff, whether they are direct employees or third-party contracted staff, at least the real Living Wage rate of £12 per hour.

The real Living Wage is an independently calculated wage rate based on the cost of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage they can live on, not just the government minimum.

Cllr Lynne Grimshaw, Chair of the Personnel Committee commented,

“We are delighted to become an accredited Living Wage Employer. As a local authority, we recognise our responsibility to provide decent pay and employment conditions. Paying the real Living Wage will benefit our staff and demonstrate our commitment to being an ethical employer in our community.”

The Town Council joins over 14,000 UK employers that have gained Living Wage accreditation so far, and almost 300 registered as being accredited in the North of England.

Living Wage Foundation Director Katherine Chapman commented in a recent press release; 21 November 2023.

"A rise in the statutory National Living Wage from next April is welcome news for low paid workers but it still falls short of the voluntary real Living Wage which is £12 per hour in the UK and £13.15 per hour for workers in London. There are now 14,000 Living Wage accredited employers across the UK who are committed to always paying everyone in their organisation, including contractors like cleaners and security guards, a real Living Wage based on the cost of living. Despite tough economic times, it has been heartening to see record numbers of businesses join our movement and we'd encourage other organisations who can, to make the Living Wage commitment too."

The Town Council values all its staff, and the Living Wage accreditation is part of our demonstration of this, as well as appreciation for their hard work and contribution to the community. We believe fair pay is crucial to employee wellbeing and effectiveness.

The real Living Wage is updated annually in November by the Living Wage Foundation. Employers choose to apply for the Living Wage Employer accreditation on a voluntary basis.

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