Ashington Town Council Seeks Answers on Regeneration

Ashington Town Council Seeks Answers on Regeneration

Ashington Town Council has invited County Council leader, Cllr Glen Sanderson to address concerns over delays and reallocated funding related to the Ashington Regeneration Project.

In a letter sent on Thursday, following Tuesday’s Full Council meeting decision, the Town Council outlined frustrations with the lack of transparency around timeline changes and budget adjustments to the North East Quarter Redevelopment phase of the project. While the complexities of managing the multi-year, multi-phase regeneration initiative are acknowledged, members and residents have been disappointed by stalled investment plans in the past.

In the letter, the concerns of the Council were expressed:

"We seek open reassurance from the County Council that this project remains a priority and that the reasons for the delays are justified. Providing a firm revised timeline would also grant helpful clarity."

Beyond project delays, the Town Council raised questions about changes to the Accelerate Ashington business support program that now allows non-Ashington enterprises to benefit. There are also requests for an update on the Animating Ashington cultural and events planning stage.

The County Council leader has been asked to meet with Ashington Town Council to directly address concerns. Specific queries relate to causes of delays, funding protections, impacts on external funding, business support scope, event planning, and the updated completion timeline for the North East Quarter Redevelopment.

Leader, Cllr John Tully said,

“These regeneration plans are the very least that should be done for the people of Ashington, and after years of set-backs and promises that did not come to fruition, namely County Hall moving to Ashington and the development of a Cinema, there is no trust, no answers and limited involvement.”

At their council meeting on Tuesday members expressed a desire to seek understanding through open dialogue, but their priority was clear, to ensure Ashington receives the regeneration investment and improvements that have been promised. The Council welcomes reassurance and transparency from County Council leaders Glen Sanderson and Richard Wearmouth at the earliest possibility.

The meeting date is still to be confirmed. Town Council members will also attend a wider Ashington Regeneration Programme update meeting on 8th December.

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