Improvement Works Completed at College Shops Area

Improvement Works Completed at College Shops Area

The College Shops area in Ashington has undergone enhancement works to improve the appearance and amenities of this community space. College Ward Town Councillors Vicky Brown and Mark Purvis have recently visited the area to view the completed work.

The College Shops are popular with students at nearby Northumberland College.  The improvements included a fresh coat of paint for walls and fencing.  Seating in the area has been repaired and received a new coat of paint, and new litter bins have been installed to keep the space cleaner.  The greenery in the area was enhanced with the planting of a new tree and shrubs. The surrounding area also received a thorough clean up and tidying.

"We are pleased to deliver these positive changes at College Shops to create an even more welcoming gathering place for residents and students," said Councillor Brown. "The repairs and new amenities will make the area more attractive and functional for all to enjoy."

Councillor Purvis added, "It was great working with the community, the Northumberland County Council Team and Town Council Team to identify ways to refresh this well-used location. We hope folks will appreciate the upgrades and take pride in having an improved space for spending time with neighbours."

The councillors noted that keeping the area free of litter is a shared responsibility. They encourage residents to use the new bins and be attentive so that College Shops can maintain its new look.

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