Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute Win RHS Northumbria in Bloom Award

Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute Win RHS Northumbria in Bloom Award

Congratulations to Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute (AEVI). Their Community Garden was awarded a Grade 5, Outstanding Certificate in the RHS Northumbria in Bloom, It's Your Neighbourhood Awards which was presented on 20th September at The Federation Brewery, 'The Fed' in Gateshead.

The volunteers are delighted to receive the award, as it is the top level, and it reflects how far they have come in the last couple of years with the garden. They are all very proud of their garden.

The assessment took place on 21st July by a lovely lady called Marjory Holt who came along and chatted with members of the garden club and they all had a lovely day.

Helen Anderson (Trustee AVAEI) said:

"A lot of hard work has been done by a lot of people and we are extremely grateful for everyone's contribution. Brightside were there from almost the start, helping us paint the seats and the planters, and of course our garden products, and we presented them with their own copy of the certificate as a token of our appreciation for their help.  We would like to thank Brightside and BUZZ for all their support".

Visit the Ashington Veterans and Elders website for more information about the great things they have going on, click on the link below.

Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute (


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