Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute Going From Strength to Strength

Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute Going From Strength to Strength

I visited Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute yesterday, Tuesday 8th August, along with the Civic Head, Cllr Victor Bridges and Cllr Marjorie Chambers.

Keith Green, Chairman of the Institute had invited several funders to the Hut, including the Town Council, who have funded several projects over the past few years.

Keith gave us a tour, highlighting all the work that had been carried out due to generous funding from several different organisations such as The Barbour Foundation, The Joicey Trust and the National Lottery.  The Town Council recently helped fund outdoor speakers for the PA System, to enable music and announcements to be heard outside in the Community Garden.

The Institute has grown from strength to strength over the past four years and has become a great facility for the local community.  As well as having three snooker tables and a fully fitted kitchen, there are regular music nights, quiz nights, coffee mornings and guest appearances.

The coffee mornings are very popular and have helped raise over £25,000 for SAFA and local NHS projects.  A group of volunteers, working from their workshop at Earth Balance, create wooden garden ornaments to sell at the coffee mornings.

The Community Garden has seen a barren piece of land to the rear of the building transformed into a beautiful garden tended by a committed team of volunteers.  They have also entered Britain in Bloom!

The plans continue for the Institute, and we were shown drawings for a new extension to the front of the Hut.  It is envisioned that the room created will allow the Institute to rent out the space to groups at an affordable price.

It was good to see the impact the Institute has on the local community and I am looking forward to working with the team at Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute on future events coming up with Ashington Town Council.






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