Northumberland County Council's Community Chest Fund is now Open

Northumberland County Council's Community Chest Fund is now Open

We are pleased to announce that the Community Chest Scheme for 2023-24 is now open. 

For more information, please contact:

The aim of the Community Chest Scheme is to support community groups and organisations to deliver activities which contribute to achieving the Council’s ambition for Northumberland. This includes Help For You which aims to help young people under 18 to achieve an ambition (see below). 

The Community Chest Scheme will support one-off initiatives that are:

  • seen as valuable to the area
  • are not able to secure mainstream funding from the council or other sources

They do this by giving one-off grants of up to £5,000, but not exceeding 75% of the actual costs, i.e. you will need to find at least 25% from your own or other sources. You are advised to read the guidelines carefully before applying.

Visit Northumberland County Council website for more information here.

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