Warm Spaces

Warm Spaces

There is a network of community spaces residents can visit this winter. These are throughout Northumberland and you can find out those operating near you via Northumberland Communities Together.

In Ashington, the following are registered with Northumberland Warm Spaces, and more may register in the coming weeks.

Asda Ashington
Ashington Library 
Being Woman
Crossroads Cafe
Full Circle Food
Hirst Park Pavilion
Holy Sepulchre Church Ashington
Northumberland Pride
Real Deal Plus
St Aidan's Church
Word of Life Church Ashington
YMCA Ashington


If you are reading this and you would like to register as a warm space, please contact Northumberland Communities Together on 01670 620015, from 9am to 6pm, 7 days a week or email NCT@northumberland.gov.uk

What is a Northumberland Warm Space?

Warm Spaces are places where people can come together in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink, a sit down and have a chat with others.

Voluntary groups, community organisations and others from communities have come together to establish a network of warm spaces this winter. This includes, but is not limited to, community centres, church halls, libraries and community hubs. They are free to visit and they promise a warm welcome when you arrive.

Some places may offer a hot drink, activities and other things like free access computers and Wi-Fi.  You can spend time quietly or meet other people in your community for a chat.  Each warm space is different and may not be open every day. Northumberland Communities Together is working with all community partners to try and offer as many warm spaces as they can.

This interactive map will show you where you can find a warm space near you. Click on the map and then visit the dot/s which represent the warm spaces in your area. You will see the name and location of the warm space. If there is a link to the Frontline app this will take you to more detail about the warm space. Please note not all spaces will be open every day and are subject to change.

Find your nearest Warm Space

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