New technology installed in Ashington park to enhance public safety

New technology installed in Ashington park to enhance public safety

Northumberland County Council

Hirst Park in Ashington has had a security device installed so people can enjoy the park without fear of crime or intimidation. 

The help button, when pressed links to Asset Watch, a security company based in Ashington who can monitor CCTV footage and summon immediate assistance if it is required.

A special event is being held in Hirst Park on Wednesday August 24 between 11am –1pm to raise awareness of the new safety measure. People can come along to the pavilion and find out more, talk to community safety officers and enjoy light refreshments. 

Women’s Workshop, a voluntary organisation that promotes equality in communities will also be hosting a Safer Parks Picnic between 1-3pm that everyone is invited to join, so bring a picnic and enjoy the fun. 

Hirst Park is just one of six north east parks that is being made safer in a bid to protect women and children’s safety. The park already provides excellent facilities and is a great local community resource, especially for young families and children, with a wide range of accessible play equipment and an exciting splash play area available to use. 

Last year, Northumbria's Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuiness unveiled plans to create a safer environment for women in the region, following a Safer Streets Survey that she initiated to establish the sectors that need improving the most to make women feel safer.  

The survey identified that 62% felt unsafe in parks at night and a further 89% felt unsafe due to men/boys and groups of people. 

Each local authority in the crime commissioner’s area was asked to bid for funding for one park of its choosing for funding from the government’s Safer Streets Fund. 

Northumberland County Council was successful in its bid for almost £9,400 which has been used to install a help button which has CCTV cameras attached to it. The funding also went towards some grounds maintenance work which has given people more confidence when walking around the park.  

Northumberland County Councillor Colin Horncastle, Cabinet Member with responsibility for public protection said: 

“Last year the council became White Ribbon Accredited which means as an authority we took the pledge to support an end to violence against women and girls. 
“We very much welcome the funding for this initiative which will give local residents, but particularly women, additional confidence when enjoying the park, knowing they can get almost immediate help if they need it.  

“It will also encourage the reporting of crime and anti-social behaviour which will be a big deterrent to the perpetrators.” 

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said: “Hirst Park is a popular park in the heart of Ashington.  

“It’s one of several parks across the region benefiting from my Safer Parks funding – a campaign of work about reclaiming our parks. This investment is about taking steps so people, particularly women, feel safer and more encouraged to enjoy their local park.  

“These help points are designed to help with this and are just one example of a range of solutions being rolled out by the council to reassure people of the help that’s available to them. 

“It’s hoped that, together along with other practical solutions and events like today’s Safer Parks Picnic, not only will people feel safer, but we’ll help prevent and drive down other crime such as anti-social behaviour, which I know is a priority for both local people and neighbourhood policing teams.” 

Read the story here at Northumberland County Council 

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