Ashington will remember them, like we remembered them before

Ashington will remember them, like we remembered them before

Ashington Town Council support the Royal British Legion (RBL) in their belief that it is important that Remembrance Day is marked publicly in the life of our community, as it is nationally and internationally, as a day of commemoration and commitment. Also, that it is right to honour all those who have given their lives and those who continue to do so in the service of their country, and to offer continuing strength and comfort to the bereaved families.

The Ashington Branch of the Royal British Legion is working hard to become firmly embedded into our community. Ashington Town Council stand beside them, along with Ashington Churches Together, to keep the meaning of Remembrance alive; to fundraise, support and educate.

Ashington has an extremely hard working and active RBL branch who raise funds all year round and lead on Remembrance. In 2020 and 2021 towns and villages across the county marked remembrance differently, remembering at home with restricted services, but still donating in vast amounts. The Ashington Branch raised over £20,000 for the 2020 Poppy Appeal, and over £31,000 for the 2021 Poppy Appeal. This staggering effort is thanks to the generosity and support of the people of Ashington.

In 2022, it is the hope of the Ashington Branch of the Royal British Legion, supported by Ashington Town Council and Ashington Churches Together, that Sunday 13th November will resonate with Remembrance Days of the past. A parade through the town will make a very welcome return.

Mr Phillip Rainger, Chair of the Ashington Branch of the Royal British Legion said,

“The people of Ashington are very generous throughout the Poppy Appeal. We know the community will come out strong and together, as they have in the past, to show their support of Remembrance and of the work of the Royal British Legion. We want to work to bring them a Remembrance Parade and Service to be proud of.”

The Ashington Branch are actively seeking standard bearers, for which full training will be given. If you are interested, please contact Phillip Rainger on 07393548966.

Civic Head, Cllr Bob Walkinshaw laid a wreath at the 40th Anniversary of the Falklands war in June and considers Remembrance one of the most important civic events on the calendar. He said,

“It was such a shame that the Royal British Legion could not celebrate their 100 years anniversary in May 2021, as they would have liked to. We must continue to support them to make every Remembrance the best yet, as for some, it is becoming increasingly difficult, and it is up to those of us that are still here to keep the meaning of Remembrance alive.” 

The planning for Remembrance will commence in earnest at the end of August. If you are part of a community group or organisation that has not been involved in Remembrance before but would like to be, please contact the Town Council. More details will be available as they are agreed.

The Ashington Memorial Garden is looking resplendent at this time, so please do not wait until November to pay a visit. The garden is open to everyone, all year round and is a peaceful haven to reflect and to take time out.

(Pictured, Mr Phillip Rainger laying at wreath at 40th Anniversay of Falklands, 12th June 2022)

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