Public consultation and offer of a briefing – SUEZ’s proposal for an anaerobic digestion facility

Public consultation and offer of a briefing – SUEZ’s proposal for an anaerobic digestion facility

SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, a leading provider of recycling and resource management services, is proposing to develop an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility at our existing Ellington Road site. Our site, which has been open since 1993, is located in between Ashington and Linton Colliery.

We are holding a public consultation from Monday 27 June to Sunday 10 July 2022, ahead of submitting a planning application to Northumberland County Council in the summer. Through this two-week consultation, we will seek views on our proposal from communities and stakeholders neighbouring our site.

As a local stakeholder your views are important to us and will help to inform our proposals.

Our proposed project

There is a national need to reduce food waste and put any food that is wasted to good use. Our proposed AD facility is designed to do just that, by turning household food waste from across the region into a reliable and renewable supply of energy and compost-like soil improver – a win-win for communities and the environment.

The proposed facility will be comprised of a building, three digester tanks and several other smaller tanks. The biogas it produces would either be sent directly into the local gas network after cleaning, or turned into electricity, via gas-powered generators, and exported to the electricity grid.

Our Ellington Road site is not expanding. The facility would sit on the site of an existing waste treatment facility, an in-vessel composter (IVC for short), which will be demolished to make way for the new facility.

If approved and constructed, our new facility will be part of a network of key facilities across the country to address the requirements of the Government’s Our Waste Our Resources Strategy and its proposal to introduce segregated food waste collections for homes across the UK currently due to begin in 2025.

We have attached a community newsletter which provides further information on the proposed scheme. This newsletter will be sent to all properties, residential and commercial, that neighbour our site.

You can also find more information online from 27 June at: You will be able to provide feedback on our proposal, find out more information on how anaerobic digestion works, the project’s anticipated impacts and view our FAQs.

Feedback and offer of a briefing

You can find more information and share your views with us online from 27 June at: by 11:59pm on Sunday 10 July. Alternatively, you can provide feedback by sending an email to

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