Partnership focussing upon Health and Well-being

Partnership focussing upon Health and Well-being

Our very own local Community Radio Station, based in Ashington, “Koast Radio 106.6FM” have partnered-up with “The Unit Health and Fitness” gym to promote the benefits of exercise upon Health and Well-being.  

Garry Scurfield, one of the Directors at Koast Radio commented,

“We all know that things have been hard over the last few years with lockdowns and Covid restrictions, and we recognise that these types of scenario can potentially lead to self-neglect, which can cause all sorts of problems, as well as negatively-impacting mental health and well-being.    

Myself and two other volunteers at Koast Radio have taken part in over 70 hours of early morning conditioning and group exercise sessions with two fabulous coaches, Georgia and Jonny at their premises in Ashington.

Some people might think it’s ‘a bit mad’ turning-up at a gym at 6:30am, 3 days per week, but we have experienced the positive impact upon our lives during that time.

Between us, we have lost probably 2 stones in body-weight (much needed in my case!) and enjoyed every minute of the sessions with our coaches and other participants.

We appreciate that everybody has a very-busy Life, but it’s also vital to invest some time into yourself.“

It’s therefore important to focus upon health and well-being, we feel.

If you are suffering with any kind of mental health or well-being issue, please speak to your GP.

“The Unit Health and Fitness”

Unit 5, Birchwood Way, Ashwood Business Park, Ashington, NE63 0XD, tel: 01670 827778, email:

would be more than happy to offer you a consultation, if you feel that you would benefit from some exercise.

On behalf of all at “Koast Radio 106.6FM” can I sincerely thank you for kind and enthusiastic support of our volunteer-run local Community Radio Station.

“Kumar KoastRadio”

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