Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding are invited

Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding are invited

Ashington Town Council aims to promote and protect the quality of life and well-being of those who live in, work in, or visit the local area. To this end, the Council offer grants to local organisations based in, or providing services to the locality, to help them maintain and develop their services, facilities, and activities.

The Council has a long history of funding sports clubs and local charities with annual subsidies, and of making funding available to provide smaller grants throughout the year.

The Annual Grant Aid Funding process is open, and the Council has set aside a total pot of £59,000 for this purpose in the financial year 2022/23.

Grant Aid is for voluntary, non-profit making organisations who provide facilities, activities, and services principally for residents served by Ashington Town Council.

Typically, these organisations include sports, play and art clubs, community associations, youth organisations, organisations that assist disadvantaged/vulnerable groups and charitable trusts.

Annual Grant Aid Funding can be used for capital (e.g. purchasing tools and equipment) or revenue expenditure (e.g. running costs) and/or as ‘start-up’ funding for new bodies.

When allocating Grant Aid, the Council will consider each case on its merits and may give priority to those groups providing services and facilities and/or fulfilling a role where there are currently ‘gaps’ in provision.


Applications for Annual Grant Aid Funding must be received by Friday 13th May 2022.

Applicants will be invited to give a presentation to Councillors prior to a formal decision at a meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee in June.

Detailed Guidelines and an Application Form can be downloaded below, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Annual Grant Aid Funding Guidance

Annual Grant Aid Funding Application Form (PDF)

Annual Grant Aid Funding Application Form (Word) (opens in new window)

Please be assured that the Council will continue to operate a separate small grant scheme throughout the year, for grants up to £500. The first of these will be invited in June, then in September and finally in the New Year.


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