County's Local Plan approved by inspectors

County's Local Plan approved by inspectors

The first ever comprehensive Local Plan covering the entire county has reached a major milestone - after getting the green light from Government. 

The Northumberland Local Plan, which includes new planning policies, will guide and detail the scale and distribution of development. The Plan will be used as the starting point for the determination of all future planning applications. 

The Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for independent examination back in May 2019.  

Following a lengthy series of hearings during 2019 and 2020, and consultation on a schedule of modifications in 2021, the examination of the Northumberland Local Plan has now concluded. 

The Government Inspectors have declared the plan ‘sound’ and their report on the examination of the Northumberland Local Plan has now been published on the council’s website at 

Formal adoption of the Plan will require approval by the Council’s Cabinet and Full Council and the aim is to get this done before the end of March 2022. When fully adopted the Plan will represent a final break from the Plans of the former District and County Councils.  

A comprehensive training package for all those involved in the decision-making process so they are familiar with the Plan, its strategy, and the policies contained in it will be undertaken. This will include guides provided on the County Council website and direct sessions held with Parish & Town Councils and Neighbourhood Planning Groups.   

Council Leader Glen Sanderson said: “We are absolutely delighted to have Government approval for our Local Plan.

“It’s progressive, forward looking and reflects modern approaches to tackling important challenges like climate change, enhancing biodiversity and delivering affordable housing.  

“It also seeks to raise the profile of good, locally distinctive design and supporting more active lifestyles through better facilities for walking and cycling.  

“I’m pleased to see that Government agrees with us that this is also an ambitious strategy for employment growth” 
Councillor Colin Horncastle, cabinet member responsible for planning at Northumberland County Council said: “I would like to thank everyone in the team for their dedicated work and commitment over the months and years it’s taken to produce this plan. 

“The coronavirus pandemic produced many challenges for the planning team and for the inspectors, but the final adoption of this plan for our county is now firmly in sight.” 

The Plan sets out a range of development proposals as well as planning policies, which will be used to assess applications and guide the location of future development in the county up to 2036.   

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