Ashington Town Council is raising the bar, but not the precept

Ashington Town Council is raising the bar, but not the precept

Ashington Town Council agreed the 2022/23 budget and resulting precept demand at a Full Council meeting on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

The great news for the folk of Ashington is that the services of Ashington Town Council will continue to be delivered without any increase in the precept element of Council Tax (calculated using the Band D information provided by Northumberland Council Council).

Whilst the precept has not increased, Ashington Town Council has used a larger tax base to finance several priorities for 2022/23.

There is significant planned investment in the assets of Ashington Town Council.  This includes play areas, allotments, seats, litter bins and bus shelters.  As well as various improvements in the coming financial year, there is a commitment to building funds for the long-term strategic improvement and replacement of assets when needed.

2022/23 will see the redevelopment of Alexandra Road Play Area, new bus shelters installed and boundary and water improvements at our allotments. 

We are certainly not counting the days until Christmas 2022 just yet, but plans are being brought forward for improvements to the Christmas lights displays.  The town will twinkle, and we can look forward to an event to celebrate the arrival of the festive season.

As well as committing to looking after our own assets, Ashington Town Council has made a greater commitment to their help of others.  The Council recognise the amazing work that is done in Ashington by the voluntary and community sector, and has increased the budget for this purpose by 15%, now totalling £68,250.

The budget for Climate Change has also increased by a third, and the Council’s Climate Change Working Group will look at further ways the Council can contribute to the ambitious net-zero Northumberland.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Matthew Cuthbert said “Ashington Town Council continues to be supportive of those groups and organisations that are helping those most in need. Importantly, we are able to do this without adding to the financial pressures of Ashington households.”

Chair of Ashington Town Council, Cllr Mark Purvis commended the Town Council’s good housekeeping, he said “We are pleased that financial planning will allow us to deliver a long-term replacement programme for our assets, for the benefit of those living in and visiting Ashington.  With funding available under the banner of Climate Change, we are also excited to learn how Ashington can contribute to realising a net-zero Northumberland.”

Management and Support £310,190
Recreation & Leisure Services £202,930
Environmental Services £424,030
Grants & Subsidies £68,250
Other Services £84,000


Full details of the Budget for 2022/23 will be available on the Town Council website next week.

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