


Further to the pre-planning consultation, the developer, Banks Group, has registered an Outline Planning Application with Northumberland County Council.

This Planning Application will be considered by Ashington Town Council on Tuesday 7th February 2023 (6:00pm), made possible due to an extension being granted by Northumberland County Council Planning Officer.

The Council will call an Extraordinary Full Council meeting, in accordance with our Standing Orders, and following the request of ward Cllrs this is a single item agenda. Although members of the public can engage directly on planning via Northumberland County Council and the link above, many value the Town Council as a conduit for democracy in this process. Ashington Town Council, like others, are a consultee in the process and will agree their response at the meeting.

The formal summons for the meeting will be published 7 days in advance. The meeting is subject to the usual standing orders. The meeting will be held at Bothal Primary School to give greater capacity and accessibility.

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New Tree Planting Target for Ashington

Ashington Town Council has set a target of 1500 trees to be planted in 2022/23 in and around the town and we need your help to achieve it.

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New Tree Planting Target for Ashington

Ashington's Light-up to Christmas

Although winds and rain came down on the Ashington Christmas lights switch-on.

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Ashington's Light-up to Christmas

Winner of Ashington Christmas Window Display Competition

As part of Ashington’s Christmas activities businesses on Station Road were invited to enter the first ever Christmas Window Display Competition.

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Winner of Ashington Christmas Window Display Competition

Northumberland Line Work Update

Northumberland Line Keeping You Connected.

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Northumberland Line Work Update

Christmas Activities & Events in Northumberland

There are a host of Christmas activities and events taking place in the run up to Christmas.

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Christmas Activities & Events in Northumberland

ACCELERATE ASHINGTON Support for Businesses and Start-Up's In Ashington

Accelerate Ashington will enable businesses from Ashington to introduce digital tools into their day-to-day business activity. 

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ACCELERATE ASHINGTON Support for Businesses and Start-Up's In Ashington

Northumberland Rail Line Update Newsletter

Northumberland Line Keeping You Connected Newsletter inside updates on funding, related events, train station works and road closures.

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Northumberland Rail Line Update Newsletter

Warm Spaces

Warm Spaces are places where people can come together in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink, a sit down and have a chat with others.

Voluntary groups, community organisations, and others from communities have come together to establish a network of warm spaces this winter. This includes, but is not limited to, community centres, church halls, libraries and community hubs. They are free to visit and they promise a warm welcome when you arrive.

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Warm Spaces

Ashington Christmas Light Switch-On - CANCELLED

Unfortunately the Christmas Lights event has been cancelled due to safety concerns about gazebos.

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Ashington Christmas Light Switch-On - CANCELLED

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